June 2024

Academy for students, enabling the best and brightest to learn from industry experts and enter the workforce.

Sourcery Academy is a premier development bootcamp created by the leading American software consultancy, Devbridge. It aims to enhance students' skills and prepare them for technology careers using real-world, modern capabilities. The free-to-attend Academy is committed to increasing the number of students entering information technology studies in Lithuania tenfold by 2027.

The Sourcery for Juniors program offers three tracks: front-end development, full stack development, and testing. It is available to third-year Bachelor's degree students who pass a rigorous admissions test. Top candidates undergo an interview process, and a limited number of spots are awarded each semester. Over 80% of graduates find employment in the tech sector.

The Sourcery Academy for students has been running for over 10 years and is proud to have graduated over 2500 students. The academy partners with Kaunas University of Technology as well as Vytautas Magnus University.

Academy for students, enabling the best and brightest to learn from industry experts and enter the workforce.